Incarico Implementation of geographic informative system and cartographic processing for the study of environmental impact of the preliminary design for the new railway line between Turin and Lyon. Importo_lavori – Committente Tecnimont Ltd
Infrastrutture per la mobilità
Incarico Geographic informative systems and cartographic processing for addressing City of Turin urban policies. (updated until 2011 at this link urbanistica/). Importo_lavori – Committente Torino Municipality
Incarico Geographic informative systems and cartographic processing for the second strategic plan of Turin metropolitan area. Importo_lavori – Committente Torino Municipality and International Turin Association
Incarico Support to strategic environmental assessment of the Olympic Games Torino 2006 events actions and creation of the Torino 2006 Olympic Informative Territorial System (SITE) (published as a webgis service, for general information and in collaboration with CSI Piemonte, at http: / / Importo_lavori – Committente Piedmont Region
Incarico Thematic analysis and cartographic processing (developed by GIS&DBMS technology), aimed at environmental assessments and analysis for regional and urban planning, also to a strategic level. Importo_lavori – Committente Architectural and Engineering Associates Studio and Companies